Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about Willingway. Please feel free to contact us anytime at 912-207-7227 with additional questions! We’re here to help.

What help do you offer?

Willingway offers the opportunity for people to recover from the bonds of addiction, including dependency on alcohol, prescription drugs, and other drugs. Willingway has helped over 20,000 people over its 45 year history and is a nationally recognized addiction treatment facility.

What programs do you offer?

Willingway offers a full continuum of care for anyone who is having a problem with alcohol or drugs, including assessments and evaluations, medical detoxification, inpatient and short-term inpatient rehab, extended residential treatment, outpatient services, a family program, and continuing care community groups.

What is the inpatient program?

This level of care is the next step in the treatment process. This program typically lasts 4-6 weeks, combining a multitude of therapeutic modalities. Group, individual, recreational, and family therapy; 12-step meetings; and educational programs set clients on the road to lasting recovery. During this extended inpatient stay, clients have the opportunity to look closely at how substance use has affected them and their loved ones. Through this process, clients can process life events intimately tied to their addictions and learn new tools for living free of mood-altering chemicals.

What is the short-term inpatient program?

For those individuals who may not need the longer inpatient stay or whose life circumstances prevent them from doing so, we offer the option of our short-term inpatient program. The average length of stay for short-term inpatient is approximately 2-4 weeks, but these clients can still gain the full benefit of the Willingway experience with a targeted, comprehensive approach to recovery. Integration into 12-step recovery begins immediately as do additional educational groups and coping strategies groups.

What is the extended treatment program ?

Willingway’s recovery residences provide a supportive, structured environment where individuals can build skills for living sober a day at a time. We often recommend extended treatment for clients when:

  • It appears that their chances for recovery will be increased by long-term treatment
  • The risk of returning to their previous living situation is such that their continued sobriety is threatened

Located throughout Statesboro, the recovery houses are also a good option for those who could benefit from a recovery environment but do not require inpatient treatment. Lengths of stay in extended treatment recovery residences vary from six months to two years.

What is the outpatient program?

The Willingway outpatient program in Statesboro is our least intensive level of care, accessed directly from the community or after stepping down from another Willingway program. Outpatient services provide group counseling five days a week, three hours a day, but each client participates as his or her individualized treatment plan recommends. One individual counseling session is also a part of the outpatient program.

What should I expect upon my arrival at Willingway?

By this time, the medical staff is anticipating your arrival. You will be greeted by a loving staff who is glad you made it here.

What does a ‘normal day’ of rehab at Willingway consist of?

Every day will be a bit different, and each client’s schedule is customized to their individual needs and addiction treatment plan. Sample Day Schedule for Inpatient Residential: 8:00–9:00 a.m. Breakfast 9:00 a.m. Meditation 9:30–10:30 a.m. Step Meeting 10:45 a.m. Community Meeting 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Women’s/Men’s Meeting 1:00–2:00 p.m. Lunch 2:00–3:00 p.m. Swim or Self-Study Time 3:30–4:30 p.m. Lecture 5:00–6:00 p.m. Recreation Therapy 6:00–7:00 p.m. Dinner 8:00–9:00 p.m. Free Time 11:30 p.m. TV Off/Rec Room Closes. 24-Hour Fellowship/Snack Bar Remains Open Click here for a tour of Willingway.

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