Adult Outpatient Rehab Program in Georgia

What is the Outpatient Program

The Willingway outpatient program in Statesboro is our least intensive level of care, accessed directly from the community or after stepping down from another Willingway program. Outpatient services provide group counseling five days a week, three hours a day, but each client participates as his or her individualized treatment plan recommends. One individual counseling session is also a part of the outpatient program.

Adult Outpatient Services

Located in Statesboro, Willingway’s Adult Outpatient Program provides a host of services that can meet the needs of each client. From individual counseling to group therapy, Willingway’s Outpatient Program is designed to offer flexibility for those who are concerned about balancing their recovery with work or school commitments. Outpatient groups are offered daily. 4 days per week, 3 hours daily.

Adult Outpatient

Adult Outpatient Program Offerings

Adults who have experienced negative consequences as a result of their substance use could benefit from Willingway Outpatient’s treatment program. Some of these consequences may include strained family relations, legal troubles, financial woes, physical problems, workplace difficulties, and more. Adult outpatient program offerings include:

Program offerings include:

  • Intensive Outpatient – 4 days per week, 3 hours daily
  • Individual counseling
  • Drug Screens
  • Group Therapy
  • Family Therapy
  • Education and Community Outreach

Group Therapy in the adult program is geared toward learning to live without mood-altering chemicals. Our 12-Step philosophy is enhanced with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and incorporates a variety of offerings to promote long-term recovery.

If you want help for substance use disorder, you are in the right place. We are glad you are here.

Help me now: 888-979-2140