
Tracey L. Kelley
Make Life Less Complicated by Decluttering
All too often, our environment reflects the busyness associated with everyday obligations. Whether you live alone or have an active family, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by various responsibilities and either cram stuff away into crowded closets or navigate around piles you hope to clear away eventually. However, if you’re trying to cope with stress...
Planning a Festive (But Sober!) Holiday Season,
During this celebratory time of year, decorations, family visits, office parties, activities with friends, gift exchanges, entertaining with special meals, and other exciting aspects all contribute to joyous occasions. Unfortunately, some people also experience stress, depression, loneliness, and anxiety, often prompting increased substance and alcohol use. So how can you plan a festive—but sober!—holiday season?...
Why Is Asking for Help So Hard?
It’s sometimes a challenge to ask for help. We all want to be as self-sufficient as possible. But there’s a difference between, say, painting a room and dealing with complicated issues by yourself. So why do we find it so difficult to reach out when we need support, guidance, and encouragement? Researchers have some theories. ...
Accepting the Health Consequences of Drug Abus
It’s frustrating when substance use disorder (SUD) compromises your overall wellness. However, this doesn’t mean that choosing sobriety is a lost cause. Accepting the health consequences of drug abuse and addiction is a vital first step to taking control over your life and reshaping your future.  How Substances Damage Your Health Our bodies are amazing...
Learning About Rehab Centers With Your Family, medical cost questions, How much does inpatient rehabilitation cost,
You’ve looked into the eyes of the people you love and realized it’s time: time to seek treatment for drug or alcohol addiction. Choosing an inpatient rehabilitation facility that provides quality care means you’ll have a lot of questions and want some assurances of success. We understand. So here are some suggestions to make the...
man, therapy, venting, couch, counseling
When someone has a chronic condition, they typically visit their healthcare provider once or twice a year for a check-up. While this isn’t a typical practice for people in recovery, many advocates say it should be, especially if it reduces that initial fear of treatment and promotes more long-term support for sobriety success.  Avoiding Relapse...
The backbone of motivation is reinforced by the power of small wins. Whenever you set a series of incremental goals and achieve them, you’re living your intentions, developing a growth mindset, and propelling positive momentum. But the goals you choose to set and celebrate should be driven by what matters to you–not to anyone else....
While news outlets continue to focus on growing concerns about the fentanyl epidemic (and rightfully so), it’s essential to also point out positive outcomes in addiction science. This is exactly the intention behind National Recovery Month, a public awareness program that happens every September. This critical movement provides positive reinforcement of the lives saved with...
Talking with your teen about alcohol and drug addiction , Conversation about drugs and alcohol, Teen Program at The Pines, Teens & Adolescent Residential Treatment Center, youth substance use disorder
Few of us want to have “the talk.” Whether the topic is sex, consent, birth control, drug and alcohol use, or other sensitive topics, it’s challenging for many adults to sit down with the teens they love and address any one of these issues. Yet we know it must be done—especially when talking with your...
Moving Past Fear Into Treatment
There are numerous reasons why people develop alcohol use disorder (AUD) or substance use disorder (SUD), but one thing is clear: no one sets out to become addicted. Uncovering the “why” of addiction is critical to healing but challenging. Nevertheless, when you know deep down that you’re not living the life you deserve, it’s time...
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