

Addiction |

Willingway Hospital blog articles in the field of substance use disorders and addiction recovery. Here you will find news, information, and inspiration about drug and alcohol addiction and recovery.

Returning to Work After Rehab - people working in an office
Returning to work after substance abuse treatment has a number of implications. On one hand, being back on the job may be just the right structure someone in recovery needs to stabilize a new way of life. He or she may appreciate the opportunity to be productive, enjoy aspects of a fulfilling career, take care...
abstinence vs. harm reduction - no alcohol - willingway
Typical drug treatment centers and twelve-step programs emphasize abstinence: the complete avoidance of drugs or alcohol. The reasoning behind abstinence is that when someone becomes addicted to a substance, it hijacks their brain and makes it difficult or impossible for them to control their behavior when in active addiction. Once they detox and go through...
illustration of man sitting on the ground upset - trauma
It’s no surprise that some people with trauma often turn to drugs or alcohol to cope. To treat addiction effectively, it’s critical to acknowledge traumatic incidents in a way that’s affirming, supportive, and healing—instead of letting them fester and cause more harm. The Dangers of Hidden Trauma The Trauma-Informed Care Implementation Resource Center provides this...
When you begin the journey of addiction recovery, one of the most common debates revolves around whether you should strive for: Abstinence—completely avoiding substances. Moderation—controlling and limiting consumption.  After more than 50 years of guiding people toward a better life, Willingway’s primary treatment philosophy “is to strive for a chemically-free baseline from which an accurate...
When a person is diagnosed with anxiety or panic disorder, a commonly prescribed medication is alprazolam—better known by its brand name, Xanax. If taken as directed for a specific period of time, it can be helpful. Unfortunately, it’s also a frequently abused drug that causes severe dependance and even addiction.  What Is Xanax? Xanax is...
Willingway works with families who are in a codependent relationship related to drug or alcohol addiction. If you or a loved one are in need of help for an addiction, please call 912-207-7227. For a very long time, I could not decipher between codependency and love. I thought that if we love someone, we put...
The safety and appropriateness of using cannabidiol (CBD) while maintaining addiction recovery depend on your circumstances, the nature of your alcohol use disorder (AUD) or substance use disorder (SUD), and the advice of healthcare professionals. While CBD is generally considered safe and non-intoxicating, is it also a little like being “California Sober”? Here are several...
Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Holistic therapies contribute a great deal to your sobriety success and overall wellness. From spending quality time in nature and meditation to biofeedback and progressive muscle relaxation, there are many methods you can use to reduce stress and stay calm. Vagus nerve stimulation is another helpful technique to try.  What’s the Vagus Nerve? Your body’s...
Why Gratitude Supports Your Sobriety
During recovery, when temptation and self-doubt threaten to pull you back into old patterns, cultivating gratitude serves as a grounding force, shifting focus from what’s missing to what’s meaningful. Most importantly, finding reasons to be thankful has proven benefits for your life overall—which makes sobriety even easier.  What Science Says About Gratitude The site Grateful...
s Your Teen on Molly? What to Know About Ecstasy Treatment
Many young people and teens believe a little experimentation with drugs or alcohol isn’t a big deal, especially when they’re trying to have a good time with their friends. However, ecstasy requires a closer look, as it can have serious health consequences. Fortunately, effective ecstasy withdrawal and treatment is possible when managed by addiction professionals. ...
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