For You

Let us help you get the help you need.

By considering that you may have a problem with alcohol or drugs, you have already taken the first, bold step towards getting help. We have been there. We can help.

Ask yourself the questions below that may indicate a problem:

  • Are you having problems with school or work?
  • Are you having problems or “bad luck” in your relationships?
  • Have you experienced recent legal troubles?
  • Have you tried to control or cut down your drinking or drug use?
  • Has a family member or close friend ever expressed concern or complained about your drinking or drug use?
  • Do you sometimes regret things you did or said while drinking or using drugs?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, there may be a problem with alcohol or drugs. Please call us for a consultation. We are here to help you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Help me now: 912-207-7227Willingway - Addiction Treatment Experts
  • “The first gift Willingway gave me was hope. I do not know which day of my stay I first felt that hope, but I know I felt safe in the walls of this magical place.”

    Boston, MA
  • “I went through Willingway, the Residence & even worked as a nurse at Willingway years ago. I was very close to Dot Mooney and I would not be the mother, friend, or wife I am today if I had not had the unconditional love she freely gave me. She was the best listener I have ever met. She always talked about addiction recovery and she did so because she told me, ‘I may be the only Big Book that someone ever reads.’ She was not only my mentor, she was a true friend.”

  • “I met my husband in Statesboro and we had a true recovery wedding. We were married in 1989 and the best wedding gift my husband and I got was from Dot – She gave us a wedding reception at Lee Street. It meant so much to us because of the history of the hospital starting in that house. Just knowing that so many lives started addiction recovery under that roof seemed so appropriate that we started our life together there surrounded by our family. We celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary in 2009. I am so grateful for all Dot did for me. I think of her often. I use so much of her wisdom in everyday life!”

  • “Statesboro is a special place where a lot of us arrived thinking it was the end , but it actually was just the beginning we all needed. A kinda “do over” that was just what the Dr. & Dot ordered. Dot made me feel that I was part of the neighborhood of her heart.”


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