
Tracey L. Kelley
woman outside with her head tilted to the sky
When we talk about different ways to manage stress more effectively, easy go-tos are exercising, eating whole foods, and improving sleep hygiene. But other stressors contribute to our overall wellness—and our 24-hour news cycle is a primary culprit. In today’s digital age, we’re constantly bombarded with information from all directions: news websites, social media platforms,...
Returning to Work After Rehab - people working in an office
Returning to work after substance abuse treatment has a number of implications. On one hand, being back on the job may be just the right structure someone in recovery needs to stabilize a new way of life. He or she may appreciate the opportunity to be productive, enjoy aspects of a fulfilling career, take care...
A father and son talking.
Family therapy is an essential component in treatment programs for substance use disorder (SUD) and alcohol use disorder (AUD). Why is this? Because it offers family members a chance to heal along with the person in recovery. Though it might seem daunting to bring family into the therapeutic process—especially if there are unresolved issues—the benefits...
woman stretching comfortably on a couch
Here’s a fact that might surprise you: not all stress is bad. Eustress is defined as a feeling of excitement, focus, and improved performance. It’s a short-term burst that motivates and energizes us, and we don’t feel it taxes our abilities. But what we’re most familiar with is distress, which is often associated with anxiety,...
illustration of man sitting on the ground upset - trauma
It’s no surprise that some people with trauma often turn to drugs or alcohol to cope. To treat addiction effectively, it’s critical to acknowledge traumatic incidents in a way that’s affirming, supportive, and healing—instead of letting them fester and cause more harm. The Dangers of Hidden Trauma The Trauma-Informed Care Implementation Resource Center provides this...
When you begin the journey of addiction recovery, one of the most common debates revolves around whether you should strive for: Abstinence—completely avoiding substances. Moderation—controlling and limiting consumption.  After more than 50 years of guiding people toward a better life, Willingway’s primary treatment philosophy “is to strive for a chemically-free baseline from which an accurate...
When a person is diagnosed with anxiety or panic disorder, a commonly prescribed medication is alprazolam—better known by its brand name, Xanax. If taken as directed for a specific period of time, it can be helpful. Unfortunately, it’s also a frequently abused drug that causes severe dependance and even addiction.  What Is Xanax? Xanax is...
There are many ways to take care of yourself. Eat right, exercise, get plenty of sleep, and minimize stress are just a few of the recommended techniques. You might also find that learning when to say no and setting other healthy boundaries makes a difference in your recovery health. What exactly does this mean and...
A life rich with experiences will involve many different people. There’s an old adage: “People enter our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” This is an essential saying to remember if you’re struggling to move forward with healthy choices and toxic relationships are weighing you down.  According to PsychAlive, toxic characteristics usually...
Both inpatient rehabilitation facilities and outpatient treatment services frequently include a group therapy component. These sessions might be: Specific to a particular culture, gender, or orientation. Centered on some type of 12-Step program. Focused on a particular method, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, psycho-educational, conflict resolution, or interpersonal or skills development. Part of a therapeutic...
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