
Tracey L. Kelley
When you begin the journey of addiction recovery, one of the most common debates revolves around whether you should strive for: Abstinence—completely avoiding substances. Moderation—controlling and limiting consumption.  After more than 50 years of guiding people toward a better life, Willingway’s primary treatment philosophy “is to strive for a chemically-free baseline from which an accurate...
When a person is diagnosed with anxiety or panic disorder, a commonly prescribed medication is alprazolam—better known by its brand name, Xanax. If taken as directed for a specific period of time, it can be helpful. Unfortunately, it’s also a frequently abused drug that causes severe dependance and even addiction.  What Is Xanax? Xanax is...
There are many ways to take care of yourself. Eat right, exercise, get plenty of sleep, and minimize stress are just a few of the recommended techniques. You might also find that learning when to say no and setting other healthy boundaries makes a difference in your recovery health. What exactly does this mean and...
A life rich with experiences will involve many different people. There’s an old adage: “People enter our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” This is an essential saying to remember if you’re struggling to move forward with healthy choices and toxic relationships are weighing you down.  According to PsychAlive, toxic characteristics usually...
Both inpatient rehabilitation facilities and outpatient treatment services frequently include a group therapy component. These sessions might be: Specific to a particular culture, gender, or orientation. Centered on some type of 12-Step program. Focused on a particular method, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, psycho-educational, conflict resolution, or interpersonal or skills development. Part of a therapeutic...
When you or a family member is struggling with alcohol use disorder (AUD) or substance use disorder (SUD), it’s often difficult to help other people understand the nature of addiction. Unfortunately, some numerous myths and stigmas make matters more complicated. Here are some perspectives and resources that may help.  Is Addiction a Moral Failing?  No,...
The safety and appropriateness of using cannabidiol (CBD) while maintaining addiction recovery depend on your circumstances, the nature of your alcohol use disorder (AUD) or substance use disorder (SUD), and the advice of healthcare professionals. While CBD is generally considered safe and non-intoxicating, is it also a little like being “California Sober”? Here are several...
Engage in an absorbing activity like reading, taking a walk, watching a show, or working on a hobby to shift focus away from overwhelming emotions.
The term “emotional regulation” refers to your ability to, according to scientists, “modify the duration or intensity of emotions to best respond to environmental challenges.” As you’ve moved through different stages of addiction treatment and recovery, you might have touched on this concept while exploring the root causes of substance use disorder (SUD) and alcohol...
Ways to Expand Your Sober Social Circle: These sobriety touchstones help you expand your social circle in many different ways.
Without question, shared experiences help people in recovery, so bolstering your sober social circle is a wonderful way to develop a strong support network. It also provides numerous opportunities for activities and events to enjoy with people focused on health just like you. Now that you’re in the stage of sobriety when you want to...
Planning a Festive Holiday Season - If you're in recovery, you have another reason to spread good cheer: continued progress with a healthy new direction.
Celebrating winter festivities often provides extra joy, even if you’re not frolicking in the snow. And if you’re in recovery, you have another reason to spread good cheer: continued progress with a healthy new direction. So here are some suggestions to make the season bright.  Create a holiday playlist As a gift or for yourself,...
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