
Tracey L. Kelley
Health Resources for Vets and First Responders
According to research from the RAND organization, when Veterans return home from deployment, nearly 50 percent experience difficulties with their families, and more than 40 percent struggle to adjust to civilian life. Some face additional battles, too, such as PTSD, depression, anger management, substance and alcohol misuse, and the effects of traumatic brain injuries. In...
Nutrition, How to Use Habit Stacking for a Healthy Advantage,
Habit stacking isn’t simply a catchphrase: it’s an evidence-based behavioral change strategy to help you use existing habits as the building blocks to create more desirable ones—and stick to them. This might be an exciting new approach for you as you continue to build a purposeful life in recovery. Let’s take a closer look.  How...
10 Tips to Design a Purposeful Life in Recovery
Reading this title, you might think, “Ah! Only 10? Well, I’ve got this!” And enthusiasm is important. That said, no matter where you are in your recovery process, crafting a purposeful life takes thought, planning, action, and time—after all, what does inspiration look like, and how do you expand yours? What is most meaningful to...
Learn to Forgive Yourself
Even the most confident person has experienced feelings of guilt at some point. While researchers indicate that, in the right context, guilt can help you take proper action, learning how to forgive yourself, especially while navigating a healthy recovery from drug and alcohol addiction, is often a work in progress. How can you get better...
Learn When to Say No, Learning How and When to Say No
When we think of stress, it often involves work demands, obligations we can’t ignore, sudden life changes, and other external factors. But sometimes people contribute to our stress in recovery, too, by wanting or asking more than what we’re capable of in the moment. So knowing how and when to say no while reinforcing boundaries...
Building Better Social Skills in Sobriety
There are many reasons why someone might use alcohol or drugs to excess. Trauma, adverse childhood experiences, grief, and other catalysts are just a few of the underlying factors that come to light during addiction rehabilitation treatment. But sometimes, people use substances to cope with social anxiety and often have trouble building better social skills...
Parenting in Recovery,
There are a lot of great jokes about parenting. Comedian Jerry Seinfeld said, “A two-year-old is kind of like having a blender, but you don’t have a top for it.”  Humorist Erma Bombeck wrote, “When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they’re finished, I climb out.”  Screenwriter Judd...
Top 20 Questions to Ask a Rehab Center
Recognizing the need for drug or alcohol treatment is a critical first step: finding the right recovery center is the vital second step. Whether you’re searching for yourself or for a loved one, the questions to ask a rehab center’s admission team should be detailed so you develop a sense of confidence and trust that...
Veterans With PTSD
The board-certified professionals at Willingway follow distinct protocols to help active service members, first responders, Veterans, and their families receive the attention they deserve. Through the Tactical Recovery Support Services, we create a culturally competent and trauma-informed environment, using evidence-based, customized practices to help individuals learn effective condition management and create long-lasting recovery. The Threat...
How to Ask for the Support You Need
Why is asking for help so hard? There are numerous reasons, but to continue to thrive in recovery and in life overall, it’s essential to recognize when to seek out the support you need. This is a learned skill that not only gives you vital reinforcement during critical times, but also strengthens relationship bonds—especially when...
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