
Tracey L. Kelley
goals, typewriter, plan, new year, sober, recovery
Flipping to a new year on the calendar doesn’t automatically mean that everything magically changes. While it can certainly inspire hope, a new year creates positive change most successfully when people establish a plan and take action. So how might this approach work for you in the coming year? What Do You Hope to Achieve?...
man, therapy, venting, couch, counseling
Sometimes you feel it coming. Other times, it boils over in one way or another. Whether you’re frustrated, ticked off, sad, or overwhelmed, it’s natural to want to vent. It’s also possible that regardless of how you feel, you won’t say a word, but those emotions seep out eventually. Constructive venting helps you strike a...
overwhelming, work, colleagues, woman, men, business, treatment, recovery,
Completing addiction rehabilitation is an amazing feat, and with your new sobriety, life is full of possibilities. However, sometimes the “real world” can seem a bit daunting after having such dedicated, uninterrupted time to focus solely on your wellness. So we have some suggestions for how to ease into routines and be deliberate in crafting...
girl, happy, music, headphones
Designing a healthy life has numerous components—a whole-foods eating plan, regular exercise, plenty of sleep and yes, for many of us, sobriety. But it doesn’t have to be all rules and no fun! One of the best ways to add joy to your life daily is to listen to music.    Science Reinforces How Music Helps...
girl taking pill pills medicine valium addiction treatment
Valium, first approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1963, is a drug often prescribed for conditions such as alcohol withdrawal, anxiety, muscle spasms, seizures, and sleep disorders. However, some people develop Valium dependency, and recovery can be complicated. Here’s what you should know. What Is Valium? Valium and Ducene are brand names...
Prescription Drug Addiction, pills tamadol addiction treatment recovery
Physicians frequently prescribe tramadol to people suffering with chronic pain. Unfortunately, if other methods of pain management or elimination aren’t used in conjunction with it, there’s a chance some individuals develop a dependency on tramadol. What Is Tramadol? Tramadol is a synthetic opioid analgesic. It alters how the brain and nervous system perceive and respond...
laughter laughing two women funny
One of life’s most simple yet powerful pleasures is a good belly laugh. You know the kind: it starts down deep and just makes your whole body shake, and maybe even prompts a few joyful tears! Laughter is a vital boost to our well-being, and there are many ways to get a few chuckles, giggles,...
drugs medications pills addiction treatment
It’s truly a tragedy to develop a dependency on medication that’s supposed to help you overcome substance addiction. This is often the case with Suboxone. Designed to help people with opioid addiction, if it’s not properly administered in tandem with a whole-person continuum of care plan, it can result in a completely different level of...
opiates opioid epidemic nurse pills
Now more than ever, it’s important to be vigilant about the facts involving opiates, their continued prevalence in our society, and where to turn to for help if necessary. After the Opioid Epidemic, What’s Happening Now? In Georgia, the rise of fentanyl, listed in the class of opiates, is of major concern. A July 2021...
man drinking sipping tea coffee relapse recovery
So, it happened. You’ve relapsed. Maybe because of extreme circumstances or because of a compulsive urge that took control. This doesn’t mean you’ve failed or that recovery isn’t worth trying again. Here’s how to regain your purpose of sobriety. Why People Relapse Though you’re far from being just another number, unfortunately, statistics show that relapse...
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