
Addiction Recovery

Addiction Recovery |

Willingway Hospital blog articles in the field of substance use disorders and addiction recovery. Here you will find news, information, and inspiration about drug and alcohol addiction and recovery.

A life rich with experiences will involve many different people. There’s an old adage: “People enter our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” This is an essential saying to remember if you’re struggling to move forward with healthy choices and toxic relationships are weighing you down.  According to PsychAlive, toxic characteristics usually...
Ways to Expand Your Sober Social Circle: These sobriety touchstones help you expand your social circle in many different ways.
Without question, shared experiences help people in recovery, so bolstering your sober social circle is a wonderful way to develop a strong support network. It also provides numerous opportunities for activities and events to enjoy with people focused on health just like you. Now that you’re in the stage of sobriety when you want to...
benefits of outpatient care, Benefits of Outpatient Treatment
There are numerous reasons why an inpatient addiction treatment program is crucial to a person’s health and eventual recovery. However, there are just as many factors that make it difficult for someone to go into rehab, including being away from work, family, and other aspects of life. Yet there’s no need to put off getting...
Spirituality, Using Spiritual Guidance to Avoid Relapse
The power of routine and rituals in our lives, especially to help us stay sober, can’t be denied. For many people, spirituality is at the heart of daily actions. Why might this positive approach to wellness help you avoid relapse? There are many reasons.  Spirituality as Sobriety Support In all its many forms, spirituality can...
Holistic Approach, Understanding the Holistic Approach
When you have an opportunity to aid healing, without surgeries or medications, it’s a great feeling. More importantly, it gives you a sense of empowerment that you can manage your health effectively, even when you’re dealing with the inevitable ups and downs of sobriety—or life in general. Choosing holistic recovery options makes you feel better...
Nutrition, How to Use Habit Stacking for a Healthy Advantage,
Habit stacking isn’t simply a catchphrase: it’s an evidence-based behavioral change strategy to help you use existing habits as the building blocks to create more desirable ones—and stick to them. This might be an exciting new approach for you as you continue to build a purposeful life in recovery. Let’s take a closer look.  How...
How to Ask for the Support You Need
Why is asking for help so hard? There are numerous reasons, but to continue to thrive in recovery and in life overall, it’s essential to recognize when to seek out the support you need. This is a learned skill that not only gives you vital reinforcement during critical times, but also strengthens relationship bonds—especially when...
Explore Your Creativity and Boost Recovery Success, Philosophy of Creativity, Exploring Your Creativity,
It’s a common misconception that creativity is only reserved for people who paint, draw, write, sing, and so on. In reality, all of us have the potential to explore creativity in different ways, developing a sense of satisfaction that fuels our recovery success. We offer these tips for tapping into your imagination and innovation.  The...
SMART Recovery, The Differences Between SMART Recovery and the 12-Steps
Most addiction rehabilitation centers introduce their clients to 12-Step recovery education and meetings. Willingway uses this approach in our treatment programs as well. For many people, the 12-Step philosophy provides essential accountability, foundational progress, and community. There are also other mutual aid support programs individuals turn to as additional reinforcement for sober living. For example,...
By David Gerber, Willingway CEO I recently had an alum of a program I worked at reach out to me with news that he relapsed, but has come back and is now, “California Sober.” This term, “California Sober,” is kind of a trend or fad that started in recent years, not coincidentally, in California among...
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