
Healthy Living

Healthy Living |

Find more useful information about Healthy Living with Willingway Hospital. Here you will find news, information, and inspiration through others’ recovery journey stories.

There are many ways to take care of yourself. Eat right, exercise, get plenty of sleep, and minimize stress are just a few of the recommended techniques. You might also find that learning when to say no and setting other healthy boundaries makes a difference in your recovery health. What exactly does this mean and...
Planning a Festive Holiday Season - If you're in recovery, you have another reason to spread good cheer: continued progress with a healthy new direction.
Celebrating winter festivities often provides extra joy, even if you’re not frolicking in the snow. And if you’re in recovery, you have another reason to spread good cheer: continued progress with a healthy new direction. So here are some suggestions to make the season bright.  Create a holiday playlist As a gift or for yourself,...
Building Better Social Skills in Sobriety
There are many reasons why someone might use alcohol or drugs to excess. Trauma, adverse childhood experiences, grief, and other catalysts are just a few of the underlying factors that come to light during addiction rehabilitation treatment. But sometimes, people use substances to cope with social anxiety and often have trouble building better social skills...
Make Life Less Complicated by Decluttering
All too often, our environment reflects the busyness associated with everyday obligations. Whether you live alone or have an active family, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by various responsibilities and either cram stuff away into crowded closets or navigate around piles you hope to clear away eventually. However, if you’re trying to cope with stress...
two couples or four friends smiling and looking at a map together - vacation
Whether you’re answering the call of the lazy, hazy days of summer with a couple of weeks off or planning a winter weekend getaway, few things in life revive your soul like vacation. And just because you’re choosing to maintain recovery doesn’t detract from the possibilities one bit! Sobriety Isn’t Boring For people new to...
young woman doing an advanced yoga pose at home - holistic therapies
A successful part of recovery is shaping your daily life with intention, not reaction. Holistic practices make this easier for many people, especially when certain methods establish grounding and promote calm. What Does Holistic Mean? A structured day doesn’t have to be rigid, but it’s essential to your well-being to have routines and rituals that...

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