
Tracey L. Kelley
Concept of teenage depression and isolation.
When people struggle with trauma, they often strive to project an aspect of normalcy. If they haven’t sought professional treatment to remedy the effects of trauma, or a therapeutic approach wasn’t successful, or they have addiction in the family, they frequently default to coping mechanisms as a shield. The connection between trauma and substance use...
Inspiring Stories for Healthy Living, Stories for Healthy Living
All of us are unique beings with strengths and challenges. That said, once you’ve moved past fear and into treatment, your recovery toolbox might benefit from other people’s inspiring stories as a compass to help maintain healthy life choices. Here are some of our favorites that may add to your motivation.  Your Inspired Self  What...
Moving Past Vicodin Addiction and Into Treatment, Vicodin Addiction, Vicodin Addiction Treatment
Once one of the most widely-prescribed drugs in the U.S., Vicodin was a fixed-dose combination analgesic containing hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen. Then in 2011, the Food and Drug Administration put new restrictions on its formulation, along with that of Vicodin ES and Vicodin HP, and those three particular brands were discontinued.  However, there’s still a...
Explore Your Creativity and Boost Recovery Success, Philosophy of Creativity, Exploring Your Creativity,
It’s a common misconception that creativity is only reserved for people who paint, draw, write, sing, and so on. In reality, all of us have the potential to explore creativity in different ways, developing a sense of satisfaction that fuels our recovery success. We offer these tips for tapping into your imagination and innovation.  The...
SMART Recovery, The Differences Between SMART Recovery and the 12-Steps
Most addiction rehabilitation centers introduce their clients to 12-Step recovery education and meetings. Willingway uses this approach in our treatment programs as well. For many people, the 12-Step philosophy provides essential accountability, foundational progress, and community. There are also other mutual aid support programs individuals turn to as additional reinforcement for sober living. For example,...
Generational Addiction, Addiction in the Family Tree
Scientific facts help dispel addiction myths and stigmas and also empower people to look more closely at the root causes for this disease. So while it’s true that heredity is approximately half of an individual’s risk for addiction, it’s also true that this family characteristic doesn’t mean you’re doomed—it’s simply another fact you have to...
Not Into Resolutions? Set Actionable Goals Instead
If you’re not reading this at the beginning of the new year, no worries. Many people aren’t into the typical resolutions, but setting actionable goals can be done anytime. In fact, if you’re trying to expand purpose in recovery, you might find that creating a new direction or establishing better habits might be achieved more...
Overcoming the Stigma of Addiction
There’s still a lot of critical judgments about addiction. Many people don’t understand that it’s a brain disease and not something as simple as a lack of willpower. Even individuals who suffer from substance use disorder (SUD) or alcohol use disorder (AUD) sometimes struggle with what they’re going through, including using outdated language like “addict”...
Are Non-Alcoholic Drinks a Good Alternative If You’re in Recovery?, Non-Alcoholic
You don’t have to assume the label of “foodie” to appreciate innovative flavors and different approaches in dining. Some studies even suggest that one of the numerous advantages of being sober is your sense of taste improves. So if you’ve been curious about non-alcoholic beverages, crafters work hard to introduce a wide range of satisfying...
12 Reasons to Keep a Gratitude Journal
Author Melodie Beattie once said, “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” What’s even more fascinating is how scientists and spiritualists alike have studied the power of gratitude and find it to be a vital expression. Have you ever thought about keeping a gratitude journal? Here...
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