
Mental Health

Mental Health |

Mental health issues and substance use often go together and are called co-occurring disorders. Read more about addiction and mental health here.

illustration of man sitting on the ground upset - trauma
It’s no surprise that some people with trauma often turn to drugs or alcohol to cope. To treat addiction effectively, it’s critical to acknowledge traumatic incidents in a way that’s affirming, supportive, and healing—instead of letting them fester and cause more harm. The Dangers of Hidden Trauma The Trauma-Informed Care Implementation Resource Center provides this...
A life rich with experiences will involve many different people. There’s an old adage: “People enter our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” This is an essential saying to remember if you’re struggling to move forward with healthy choices and toxic relationships are weighing you down.  According to PsychAlive, toxic characteristics usually...
Willingway works with families who are in a codependent relationship related to drug or alcohol addiction. If you or a loved one are in need of help for an addiction, please call 912-207-7227. For a very long time, I could not decipher between codependency and love. I thought that if we love someone, we put...
Engage in an absorbing activity like reading, taking a walk, watching a show, or working on a hobby to shift focus away from overwhelming emotions.
The term “emotional regulation” refers to your ability to, according to scientists, “modify the duration or intensity of emotions to best respond to environmental challenges.” As you’ve moved through different stages of addiction treatment and recovery, you might have touched on this concept while exploring the root causes of substance use disorder (SUD) and alcohol...
Understanding Various Types of Therapy
There’s no reason to doubt that therapy will help in your addiction rehabilitation and recovery goals. However, finding the best approach impacts the success of your progress—and if you’ve tried one method and it wasn’t a good fit, it might be necessary to consider other options. Would motivational interviewing be more effective? Or cognitive behavioral...
Learn to Forgive Yourself
Even the most confident person has experienced feelings of guilt at some point. While researchers indicate that, in the right context, guilt can help you take proper action, learning how to forgive yourself, especially while navigating a healthy recovery from drug and alcohol addiction, is often a work in progress. How can you get better...
How to Ask for the Support You Need
Why is asking for help so hard? There are numerous reasons, but to continue to thrive in recovery and in life overall, it’s essential to recognize when to seek out the support you need. This is a learned skill that not only gives you vital reinforcement during critical times, but also strengthens relationship bonds—especially when...
Concept of teenage depression and isolation.
When people struggle with trauma, they often strive to project an aspect of normalcy. If they haven’t sought professional treatment to remedy the effects of trauma, or a therapeutic approach wasn’t successful, or they have addiction in the family, they frequently default to coping mechanisms as a shield. The connection between trauma and substance use...
Make Life Less Complicated by Decluttering
All too often, our environment reflects the busyness associated with everyday obligations. Whether you live alone or have an active family, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by various responsibilities and either cram stuff away into crowded closets or navigate around piles you hope to clear away eventually. However, if you’re trying to cope with stress...
Why Is Asking for Help So Hard?
It’s sometimes a challenge to ask for help. We all want to be as self-sufficient as possible. But there’s a difference between, say, painting a room and dealing with complicated issues by yourself. So why do we find it so difficult to reach out when we need support, guidance, and encouragement? Researchers have some theories. ...
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