

Recovery |

Willingway Hospital blog articles on the topic of addiction recovery for individuals in recovery from drugs and/or alcohol. Here you will find information and resources on the subject.

Understanding-the-Benefits-of-Transitional-Living-After-Treatment - diverse group of women outdoors hugging
To help continue a solid road to recovery, your counselor’s continuum of care plan may include transitioning you from inpatient rehabilitation to an extended stay or sober living program. While your initial treatment helped you achieve a chemically-free baseline, there are still aspects of behavior, environmental influences, and perhaps even more complex medical issues that...
Is-Addiction-Hereditary - grandmother and granddaughter close up
A common question about substance abuse is whether it’s hereditary. Yes, there can be a genetic predisposition to substance abuse. In fact, the American Psychological Association (APA) states that “at least half of a person’s susceptibility to drug or alcohol addiction can be linked to genetic factors.” However, understanding the other half of that equation...
Establishing-a-Sober-Network - group of young friends with arms around each other
While many people overcome their fears to triumph over drug and alcohol addiction, recovery can also be a frightening experience. Choosing a Sober Life Choosing a sober life requires perseverance. Your decisions to stay the course are authentic, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be moments when you feel isolated. Creating a network of resources...
Signs-Your-Teen-Has-a-Substance-Abuse-Problem - pretty young lady in hoodie grafitti wall background
Although it may be hard to admit, your adolescent son or daughter, or another teenage loved one, may have a substance abuse problem. Typical Teen or Trouble? It’s important to know the difference between indicators of drug or alcohol use and typical teen behavior. Early detection and intervention are two critical tools to helping young...
good sleep, insomnia and recovery, Handling-Insomnia-While-in-Recovery - tired woman in bed upset
If you’re experiencing sleeplessness after substance abuse treatment, you’re not alone. Many Americans have sleep deficits. Unfortunately, because you’re in recovery, you have a greater chance of suffering from insomnia than most people, at least temporarily. Sleep deprivation can be serious, so it’s important to develop a bedtime ritual, adapt good sleep hygiene, and embrace...
6 Ideas for Sober Family Fun - mom and dad holding hands with daughter at picnic
After dealing with the challenges of addiction and braving the journey to recovery, it’s heartening to think life has new possibilities. This is important for you to remember each day as you choose sobriety. It’s also a necessary component for rebuilding the bonds between you and the people you love. It’s often hard to think...
Who Needs to Know You've Been in Rehab? - silhouette of girl on green grey background
When you’ve completed rehabilitation for substance abuse disorder, it’s a major life event. Does this mean that everyone needs to know about it? That’s totally up to you. There are many reasons why you may need to reveal this transition, and yet other situations don’t require any explanation. You’ll have to evaluate each circumstance and...
Jim Kress
Jim brings 20 years of experience to Statesboro. Jim Kress, LPC, CADC II was hired in 2017 to supervise our Outpatient Program and to assist in its expansion. Over the last year, Jim has infused Willingway’s outpatient treatment with new staff, new programs, and new ideas, all while maintaining Willingway’s tried and true approach to...
Why Being in Nature Is Good for You - young man in forest with hoodie and backpack
At the end of the day, all you may need is a good forest bath to help you stay well. Forest Bathing A topic that made national news not too long ago, the concept of forest bathing is just one of many back-to-nature practices that provide therapeutic benefits. And there’s no time like the present...
How Does a 12-Step Program Help You? - group of young people with arms around each other
There’s a strong correlation between 12 Step programs and addiction recovery. Probably the most famous is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), “an international fellowship of men and women who have a drinking problem.” Founder Bill W. developed a book in 1939, now known as the Big Book, which outlined a 12-Step Program for someone recovering from alcoholism...
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