
Tracey L. Kelley
young woman doing an advanced yoga pose at home - holistic therapies
A successful part of recovery is shaping your daily life with intention, not reaction. Holistic practices make this easier for many people, especially when certain methods establish grounding and promote calm. What Does Holistic Mean? A structured day doesn’t have to be rigid, but it’s essential to your well-being to have routines and rituals that...
middle age man sitting at home on the couch drinking a bottled beer, looking rather unhealthy - health
Addiction is a brain disease that, while not curable, can be managed effectively. However, excessive use of substances or alcohol is also a major contributing factor to additional—and often serious—medical issues. For some people, the road to better health is much more complicated as a result. Damage to Your Health Caused by Drugs & Alcohol...
illustration of man bound in chains - his shadow has broken free - meth addiction
Methamphetamine, also referred to as crystal meth or meth, is a highly-addictive stimulant that has serious consequences for an individual’s brain and nervous system. Understanding the symptoms of meth dependency in yourself or a loved one is critical to get the proper treatment, especially so withdrawal symptoms aren’t so challenging. Facts About Methamphetamine The DEA...
double exposure effect of woman suffering from guilt and shame and letting it go
Do you know that shame and guilt aren’t the same feelings? More importantly, shame can actually hamper your recovery process, while guilt can create a new path of healing, especially once you’re able to release it. How might this happen? Understanding the Differences Between Guilt & Shame In 2012, professor and researcher Brené Brown, now...
pretty woman with a bob haircut smiling at the camera outdoors with the sun behind her - faith
Faith is frequently at the crossroads of addiction and recovery. But is it an all-or-nothing proposition? Will the power of faith, however you choose to define it, reinforce your goals and help make sobriety easier? It depends on your perspective. What Defines Faith? For many people in recovery, participating in 12-Step programs such as Alcoholics...
handsome young man in his late twenties sprawled out asleep on a large comfortable looking bed - sleep
Ahhhh, sleep! Few things make you feel as wonderful as a full amount of rest that provides energy to spare. Unfortunately, a lot of factors interfere with how well we sleep—and most of the time, we try to ignore them. A better focus on sleep hygiene is worth prioritizing. Sleep: The Giant Reset Button We...
cropped shot of two men sitting in folding chairs - veterans
One of the most complicated issues regarding addiction treatment for veterans is a pervasive code of silence. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) states that “Zero-tolerance policies, lack of confidentiality, and mandatory random drug testing that might deter drug use can also add to stigma, and could discourage many who need treatment from seeking...
two little girls dressed for cold weather, holding hands and looking sad - adverse childhood experiences
We know that over the course of human history, children have suffered through tremendous events. But it’s only been in the last few decades that scientists have tried to understand how adverse childhood experiences affect adult behaviors and what can be done to improve health. What Are Adverse Childhood Experiences? From 1995 to 1997, an...
five marijuana joints rolled in natural hemp paper
As more states legalize marijuana, especially for medical use, it’s easy to be confused about whether this drug is safe or has risks like many other substances. Here’s the bottom line: just like tobacco or alcohol, marijuana might be legal in some places, but there’s a lot to learn about its impact, especially for people...
sky blue chalk target drawn on blackboard with a lime green dart laying on it - goals
We’ll just say it out loud: when you first enter addiction recovery, it’s often overwhelming. Everything is new and different. There’s a rush of emotions. Dealing with everything requires a different set of skills. But after about a month or so, you start to gain important clarity. And that’s when you can set goals for...
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