

Recovery |

Willingway Hospital blog articles on the topic of addiction recovery for individuals in recovery from drugs and/or alcohol. Here you will find information and resources on the subject.

Parenting in Recovery,
There are a lot of great jokes about parenting. Comedian Jerry Seinfeld said, “A two-year-old is kind of like having a blender, but you don’t have a top for it.”  Humorist Erma Bombeck wrote, “When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they’re finished, I climb out.”  Screenwriter Judd...
Not Into Resolutions? Set Actionable Goals Instead
If you’re not reading this at the beginning of the new year, no worries. Many people aren’t into the typical resolutions, but setting actionable goals can be done anytime. In fact, if you’re trying to expand purpose in recovery, you might find that creating a new direction or establishing better habits might be achieved more...
By David Gerber, Willingway CEO I recently had an alum of a program I worked at reach out to me with news that he relapsed, but has come back and is now, “California Sober.” This term, “California Sober,” is kind of a trend or fad that started in recent years, not coincidentally, in California among...
man, therapy, venting, couch, counseling
When someone has a chronic condition, they typically visit their healthcare provider once or twice a year for a check-up. While this isn’t a typical practice for people in recovery, many advocates say it should be, especially if it reduces that initial fear of treatment and promotes more long-term support for sobriety success.  Avoiding Relapse...
Continuum of Care Plan, Continuing Support, continuing care support groups
When making the conscious choice of sobriety, staying dedicated to your health sometimes feels like a lonely path. There will be times when you want to connect with people who fully understand what you’re going through, and maybe even get reassurance that your decisions are worth the time and effort. This is when continuing care...
12-step programs Alcoholics Anonymous Evidence-based treatment
For anyone who’s lost stability because of drug or alcohol addiction, establishing structure in their lives is key to their recovery. A common wellness tool at most inpatient rehabilitation centers, including Willingway, is some form of a 12-Step program for recovery—usually Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA), but there are others. Does everyone respond...
holistic - healthy - well-being - mind, body, and soul - drug treatment - mental health treatment
Prescription medication provides essential treatment options for many conditions. What often surprises people is that less complicated, more natural or holistic solutions can either complement a particular continuum of care or help reduce total reliance on medication. This is especially true for people who suffer from chronic pain.  What Does Holistic Mean? Merriam-Webster’s official definition...
“real life” after treatment, explore, adventure, travel, support, recovery, rehab, healthy, happy
Striving to maintain good health is never a wasted pursuit. However, it’s occasionally overwhelming to do all the “things” all the time. What are some of the top efficient and reliable methods to manage your recovery fully with intentional purpose? Here are some foundational ideas that are most effective.  One: Design Lifestyle Changes That Suit...
journaling, journal, writing, thinking
When you need to hash out certain emotions, process troubling thoughts, and give yourself a safe place for expression, few outlets are as successful as journaling. Here’s why experts often recommend this practice not only for people in recovery, but also for anyone looking to improve their health. A Diary vs. Journaling: What’s the Difference?...
man, mirror, bathroom mirror, looking in the mirror, affirmations, sober, healthy, happy
Sometimes, you just need a little boost. And what better way to add to your sobriety rituals than with daily positivity and motivation? We all benefit from having regular reminders that our deliberate choices make a difference, so quotes, affirmations, and pick-me-ups often have real impact. How Do You Improve Motivation? In her research, author...
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