Striving to maintain good health is never a wasted pursuit. However, it’s occasionally overwhelming to do all the “things” all the time. What are some of the top efficient and reliable methods to manage your recovery fully with intentional purpose? Here are some foundational ideas that are most effective.
One: Design Lifestyle Changes That Suit You
Science continues to reinforce that eating whole foods and exercising regularly makes recovery much easier. Why? You’re providing your mind and body with a continuous stream of nutrition and natural “feel good” chemicals that enhance each day.
Does this mean you have to only eat chicken breast and broccoli and become a marathon athlete? Only if you want to! Simply keep in mind that every effort to eat well and move daily are two of the easiest ways to maintain better overall health.
Two: Make Purposeful Goals
Adjusting to “real life” after treatment takes time and planning. You want to pace yourself as you rediscover interests, build stronger relationships, and give yourself permission to put wellness first. Here are some ways to create measurable goals and stay on track.
Three: Assemble Your Sobriety Supergroup
You heard it repeatedly during treatment, but the message is clear: engaging with people who share your sobriety purpose and not only understand where you’ve been, but also where you’re headed, provides vital grounding and connection. Dedicated 12-Step programs, secular support groups, treatment center alumni events, and other types of fellowship always provide a safe haven.
Four: Embrace Professional Help
Many people who enter addiction rehabilitation treatment haven’t had the opportunity to work with medical and mental health professionals before, while others might have but without effective results. You deserve the best care to manage wellness, so don’t settle until you have it.
Five: Understand Your Triggers
You’ve probably analyzed these numerous ways, but deep diving into what your internal and external triggers are helps you plan ahead and recognize how other recovery efforts contribute to keeping a steady course. Remember, H.A.L.T (feeling hungry, angry, lonely, or tired), social isolation, and stress are just a few tipping points, along with aspects of environment and your background. Be honest with yourself about triggers and outline how to acknowledge and manage each one.
Six: Review Your Relapse Plan Often
Coping with burnout in recovery is common but use your recovery plan—usually developed with your care team prior to graduating from treatment—to re-establish a foundation of purpose and intention. It might also be time, based on your recovery successes, to adjust the plan with an addiction science professional to include new aspects of your life.
Seven: Stay Open to Different Techniques for Wellness
Without question, human beings thrive on certain routines and rituals that provide a compass for daily life. Also consider different holistic remedies for recovery, including mindfulness, stress-relieving breathing techniques, and being in nature.
Eight: Practice Gratitude
Why does gratitude matter in recovery? It provides a centering point to demonstrate thanks and appreciation for the lessons and blessings in your life, including the people who help you. It also actually breaks negative thought patterns and fosters a brighter perspective. Try these three gratitude practices for 30 days and see what you think.
Nine: Find Ways to Give Back
Along with expressing gratitude, something truly powerful happens when you make the deliberate choice to take action for a cause you believe in. First, when you recognize how much you have to contribute, it builds your sense of self-worth, which makes sobriety all the more meaningful. Second, instead of sitting on the sidelines hoping for change, you get to help implement it, boosting your confidence regarding just how much you can accomplish with this new direction you’ve worked so hard to achieve.
Ten: Explore Life to the Fullest
Anyone managing recovery from a brain disease like addiction has reason to celebrate, as there are more opportunities now than ever before in life. From trying a new hobby to traveling to expanding your circle of interesting people to building more rewarding relationships, choosing this path has many benefits. Most importantly, no one knows better than you how quickly the good life can slip away, so few individuals are as dedicated as you to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Willingway: Always Ready to Help Your Journey
Whether you’re moving forward with new treatment after relapse or need to add to your recovery supergroup of support, the professionals at our inpatient rehabilitation center in Statesboro, GA, and our continuing care community groups through the Southeast are willing to help.