Uplifting Podcasts

pretty smiling woman listening to headphones connected to tablet computer - podcasts

Once considered a novel pastime called “audio blogging,” podcasts are now a popular form of entertainment, news, and inspiration. At this writing, there are more than one million podcasts, and approximately 68 million people in the U.S. listen to a podcast every week.

What’s the Appeal?

  • Podcasts are easily accessible and transportable.
  • Many people appreciate being able to multitask and listen, especially while doing chores, running errands, waiting in line, exercising, and driving.
  • With one or two podcasts, we feel we can stay up-to-date on current events.
  • Short formats—some time in at only 15 minutes—cater to our busy lives, while longer formats help us learn more about what interests us.
  • No matter what you’re interested in, there’s likely a podcast devoted to it.
  • People like to develop a connection with the host and fellow listeners.

While news and information are some of the top genres, comedy, storytelling, inspiration, and self-improvement are also popular topics.

Just as we can lift our spirits with motivational documentaries, books, and affirmations, including an inspirational podcast in daily or weekly routines can greatly affect our outlook on life. Here are some suggestions.

Uplifting Podcasts to Try

Listen to these podcasts when you want to reaffirm your life’s purpose, strengthen your resolve to be healthy, or simply have positive messaging to frame your day.

Brendon Burchard

Author, high performance coach, and motivational speaker Burchard presents numerous concepts to help you improve your life. His podcast topics cross over personal and professional areas of life, such as “Why You’re So Stressed—And What You Can Do About It,” “The Attitude of Service,” and “Get Out of Your Own Way With Dave Hollis.” Available for immediate listen on his website and on other platforms.

Busy Living Sober

Certified recovery specialist Elizabeth Chance-Fegely, a former addict, created this podcast to “bring addiction out of the shadows and educate society that addiction is a disease, not who you are.” She features numerous people celebrating recovery, such as “Abuse Recovery Success With April Hill,” “Chris Holland’s One-Year Anniversary Clean from Heroin,” and “Corey O’Brien: Host of Instagram Live’s Series ‘Isolated in Sobriety.'” Available for immediate listen on her website.

For the Love With Jen Hatmaker

Christian influencer and author Hatmaker has won many awards for this podcast, as it’s a gathering place for women to understand modern life and how faith provides a compass. Many of the episodes are actually segments of larger series, such as “For the Love of the Enneagram,” “For the Love of Faith Icons,” and “For the Love of Finishing Strong.” Available on multiple paid and free platforms.

Let’s Talk, Bruh

This Georgia-based podcast and private Facebook group is the creation of Jeremy Herte, where he ponders various topics Black men face that aren’t addressed by many media outlets, such as mental health, therapy, spirituality, Black masculinity, relationships, brotherhood, and other issues. Topics include “Healthy Manhood and Toxic Masculinity: An Interview With Tony Porter,” “Journaling Workshop Live Show,” and “Wellness and Yoga Talk With Jarrick the Floating Yogi.” Available for immediate listen on his website.

Metaphysical Milkshake

From the creators of the always upbeat Soul Pancake, Metaphysical Milkshake ponders life’s big questions in a fun, entertaining way. Topics such as “Does God Live in Your Brain?” “Why Are We So Lonely?” and “Are You a Good Person?” help you explore interesting concepts. Currently, this podcast is only available on Luminary, a subscription service, but you can use a free trial to see if you like it.

Optimal Daily Living

Justin Malik, a podcaster and audiobook narrator, launched Optimal Living Daily to share positive messaging he curates from various blogs. The site also features other hosts with expertise in areas such as finance, relationships, and health. Some subjects covered include “Low Self-Worth vs. Ego,” “How to Take Complete Control Over the Direction of Your Life,” and “What the Exercise Habit Did for Me.” Available the website and on multiple free platforms.

Positively Psyched

Valorie Burton is a life strategist, author, and motivational speaker. Her messages are tailored specially to women who want to grow from “challenges, opportunities, and relationships.” She interviews a number of specialists in various aspects of life, such as “Goal Setting Regarding Health and Fitness With Dr. Rovena Brock,” “The Courage to Make a Change with Meredith Moore Crosby,” and “Taking Rest Seriously With Dr. Alex Pang.” Available for immediate listen on her website.

Ten Percent Happier

If you’re interested in exploring more holistic methods for inspiration, meditation, and mindfulness, this is the site for you. Narrated by author Dan Harris, each episode provides access to important concepts for better self-improvement. Topics with interview experts include “How Not to Say Stupid Stuff When You’re Stressed,” “Losing Your Patience? Here’s How to Get It Back,” and “What’s Your Motivation?” Available for immediate listen on the website.

The Tony Robbins Podcast

Master motivator Robbins offers “growth resources” in many areas of your life, including health, spiritual growth, business, and relationships. Some episodes are part of his larger conversation from live events, while others are in-depth interviews with notable experts and newsmakers. Sample topics include subjects such as “Stand Guard at the Door of Your Mind,” “Live Better, Longer With Dr. Dean Ornish,” and “The Gift of Presence.” Available for immediate listen on his website.

Do You Have a Favorite Podcast?

Please share it in our comments section below or on our Willingway Facebook page. We’d love to hear what inspires you!

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