What to Expect in Rehab, Part 2

rehab, therapy, recovery, treatment

At Willingway, we understand that choosing an addiction rehab facility can be a complex decision. Whether you’ve made up your mind to seek the quality care you deserve or you’re supporting a loved one on their health journey, it’s essential to have all the facts at hand. So, we’ve created a two-part series to help demystify the process.   

In the first installment, we outlined factors of addiction; why it’s treated like any other chronic disease; what to expect during a medical assessment; the general admissions process at a rehabilitation facility; and a clearer picture to physical detoxification.

In this installment, we discuss various treatment programs along with counseling, support groups, continuum of care and recovery plans, and other aspects of care to help someone move past addiction and into long-lasting recovery.

Which Treatment Program Is Right for You?

When choosing a rehab facility, there are many factors to consider, including what type of approach can fully address your condition. 

Some treatment centers, such as Willingway, offer a full continuum of programs, including: 

  • Inpatient rehabilitation, when someone becomes a resident at a care center for a minimum of 30–45 days but perhaps longer
  • Short-term inpatient, which is usually 2–4 weeks, to provide acute care for people who might not be able to commit to a longer inpatient program 
  • Outpatient services, for individuals who need consistent recovery care but who might not be able to become a resident due to family or employment obligations
  • Extended treatment, which provides sober resident focus for up to one year for people with more severe addiction cases or with a history of relapse
  • Sober living environments are also frequently part of extended treatment programs and gender-specific
  • Teen inpatient addiction rehabilitation in separate, free-standing centers for youth between the ages of 14–18

Comprehensive treatment programs with a focus on whole-person health—meaning emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual wellness—are designed to provide therapeutic recommendations based on an individual’s personal assessment. This is often referred to as a continuum of care plan, which evolves as someone progresses through treatment. While detoxification helps provide a chemically-free beginning, there are still aspects of behavior, environmental influences, heredity, adverse childhood experiences, and perhaps even more complex issues that require special understanding to foster a long-term foundation of healing.

Common methods of care include, but aren’t limited to: 

  • Individual and family addiction education to help explain the illness, reduce associated stigmas, identify triggers, and create a foundation of support 
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, experiential therapy, and person-centered therapy, among other methods
  • Individual, family, and group counseling, depending on the needs of each person
  • 12-Step recovery education and meetings, which begin early on in treatment and are used as a tool for continued wellness after discharge
  • Gender-specific issue groups, allowing for a safe space to express and examine a wide range of subjects
  • Holistic recovery maintenance techniques such as spirituality, exercise, nutrition, and others designed to reinforce sobriety choices
  • Recreational therapy under the supervision of a certified recreation therapist to introduce new aspects of health-centered hobbies and community

Relapse Prevention and Discharge Planning

Gaining insight on multiple levels as to who you are and how you can become even better is one of the many advantages of professional treatment. For example, revealing a point of connection between your emotional, mental, and physical triggers and the craving to use alcohol and drugs is one of the greatest discoveries for people, and this knowledge helps them in the future.  

Unfortunately, no matter how many times we cite this statistic, it rarely changes: approximately 40–60 percent of people who go through addiction treatment relapse, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The first year of recovery is an especially crucial time, as individuals try to navigate many aspects of their sober lives. 

The addiction treatment center you choose should provide a strong emphasis on relapse prevention techniques and discharge planning. From understanding specific triggers and stress cues to providing ongoing assistance through real-time symptom monitoring and access to alumni continuing care community support, you should be able to learn the methods that strengthen your resolve—and be comforted by the fact that you’re never alone in this process. 

Quality Addiction Rehab at Willingway

In all honesty, moving away from addiction and into recovery is never easy. So, it’s vital to your well-being to have a team of board-certified medical professionals you can trust to guide you every step of the way through rehab. 

At Willingway in Statesboro, GA, you can rely on addiction science experts to provide the quality care you and your family need. Regardless of your circumstances—a veteran, a teen in crisis, someone returning to rehab after a relapse, or an individual in need of special men’s and women’s services—our staff strives to help you heal with certainty and find new life in sobriety. 

Looking for a top drug rehab in Georgia? To find out more about services offered by Willingway contact us 24 hours a day at 912-207-7227, and let us help you get started on the road to recovery.Willingway - Addiction Treatment Experts